Friday, January 20, 2012

I read The Fault in Our Stars by John Green...

...and watched Esther Earl on her YouTube channel. And looked at photographs. And watched vlogbrothers videos of John Green in Amsterdam, and loving Amsterdam, and visiting Amsterdam X-amount of times on video, particularly featuring The Yeti and even Henry somewhere, and fragile tulips, and excited Nerdfighters.

And I copied parts of The Fault in Our Stars for my Serious Prose Interpretation piece, and found that there was no way I could do the story justice, not in the slightest, without being an incredible actress, and having some sort of personal experience to the book and its many life-ly subject matters.

And so it goes.

I can hardly write anything coherent, since finishing TFiOS on Sunday. I just... there is no possible way right now. I want to end up like John Green, but I'm also this non-infinite thing, this person who is an extra in God's movie, 2/5 of a second my life is... (that metaphor was stolen from Francis Chan's crazy love). And here I am, attempting. I'm inspired to do a lot of things, but I'm also sort of swimming in this strange pool of fog and emotion and going up and down, and I don't know why, but I do have a packet for my church's counseling center coming. And I'm trying, but not really. I don't know what's up.

I just want to glorify God, really. And I want to let go of the many things I grasp so hard, even though they give me rope burn (metaphor stolen from a Beliefnet article about Letting Go as a Buddhist principle...). And... I just... there's a lot on my mind. I should go to bed.

But I probably won't.

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