Thursday, September 8, 2011

This morning, I woke up.

I'll admit, I've had writer's blog for a couple of weeks now. But I wrote a letter for English class last night, detailing the most life-changing event I have had in my recent life, and suddenly, I woke up today. And in my head, was Sunlight.

In the past, I've usually gotten abhorrently obsessed with stories and roleplays I'd been a part of. They would be the ONLY thing I could talk about, the ONLY thing I drew pictures about, the ONLY thing I could write about, even when I wasn't online. So many little stories, character charts, tiny scenes from the stories in personal notebooks, little faces of the characters on math homework in middle school... everywhere. The stories consumed my thoughts. It was unhealthy, really. But I was passionate, at the least.

And for weeks, I haven't had that kind of thinking with Sunlight. And this morning, I just started writing in my head, exactly the scenes that Leah and I had worked through months ago, including some new ones. I didn't want to leave my bed; I wanted to stay in my half-dreamlike state of story, even if the story was sad. And now to write it...

(once I finish my College Speech homework...)

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