Monday, September 19, 2011

Who's flaky and inconsistent? Why, I'M flaky and inconsistent!

I suppose I'm now finishing Rescue, my mediocre NaNoWriMo story from the previous year, this year. I forget if there's a rule against it, but I'm doing it anyway. Honestly, I'm afraid of re-entering the world of the bitter and biting and unmotivated narrator, whom I didn't really like... okay, I had more of a love/hate relationship going with him. But he freaks me out, honestly. I don't want people to read the story and think that I share his perspective. I'm concerned about the parts of me that do. That's what I believe about characters--that as much as they are DIFFERENT from us, they may reveal certain aspects of ourselves that we may not even realize we have. Or aspects of our personality or thoughts that we don't usually like to acknowledge. Or so it goes for me.

Anyway, regardless of the emotional instability of everysingleone of my main protagonists (EVER WRITTEN, including for roleplays), I just don't feel the Rescue the same way I did last year. And there's SO MUCH FILLER. So much of it! I described "House" episodes at LEAST three times (in long paragraph form--once described by a FIVE YEAR OLD). I even wrote DISCUSSION QUESTIONS, just so I would have enough words.

I guess I'm just going to have to suck it up and write. Because I need to be honest and true to the characters. Regardless of our differences. Or similarities.

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